This document outlines the key policies that we expect all personnel to comply with at all times when engaged by Easy Tiger or one of its affiliated companies. The policies apply equally to all personnel regardless of their relevant status as employees or contractors, part-time vs full-time etc.
While these policies are not contractual, it is a fundamental term of your contract of engagement that you comply with them. Please ensure that you have read and understood them fully.
Easy Tiger continually assesses and upgrades its policies and procedures to ensure compliance with corporate governance requirements; you will be notified of any material changes to these policies. Questions should be directed to your relevant contact at Easy Tiger or directly to Business & Legal Affairs.
These policies are not limited to the workplace or work hours. They extend to all functions and places that are work related, including when personnel are performing work or representing Easy Tiger away from the workplace and conduct that is connected with that personnel’s employment or engagement.
Reporting Contacts
If you notice an integrity concern or wish to make a complaint, we encourage you to contact any of the following:
Rob Gibson – CEO/Producer
0404 005 639; rob.gibson@easytiger.tv
Ian Collie – Founder/Producer
0412 644 726; ian.collie@easytiger.tv
Caroline FitzGerald – Business & Legal Affairs
0458 130 842; caroline.fitzgerald@easytiger.tv;
All matters raised will be treated respectfully and, subject to applicable law, confidentially. Easy Tiger actively encourages a culture of speaking up if something makes you uncomfortable, and strictly prohibits retaliation against any particular individual for having raised, in good faith, an integrity policies concern.
Easy Tiger is committed to compliance with the Australian Screen Industry Code of Practice (a joint initiative of Screen Producers Australia and the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance), Screen Australia’s code of conduct to prevent sexual harassment, and all other applicable codes of conduct of Australian screen funding agencies (e.g. the Victorian Screen Industry Code of Conduct). These Policies have been prepared with these codes in mind.
Governing Principles
Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and contracts governing Easy Tiger’s business.
Be honest, fair and trustworthy in all your business activities and relationships.
Treat one another fairly and foster a respectful, safe, diverse and environmentally responsible workplace, with zero tolerance for harassment, bullying and other similar forms of inappropriate behaviour.
Protect Easy Tiger’s assets and information and the assets and information entrusted to you by others.
Avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of such conflicts, between work and personal affairs.
Compete responsibly in the marketplace.
Ask questions, seek guidance and raise concerns. Through leadership at all levels, create and sustain a culture where ethical conduct is recognised, valued and practised by all.
Cooperate with your colleagues and anyone internally or externally who seeks to investigate a concern raised under these policies.
Workplace Discrimination, Bullying & Harassment (Including Sexual Harassment)
Easy Tiger is committed to providing a safe, respectful and inclusive flexible workplace environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying. We do not tolerate or condone any form of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or bullying in the workplace.
Easy Tiger’s personnel are required to comply with:
Easy Tiger Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Bullying: Policy;
Easy Tiger personnel are responsible for promoting a safe, respectful, inclusive and flexible workplace environment by:
Treating all colleagues and audiences/patrons/customers with dignity, courtesy and respect
Respecting cultural, ethnic, religious, gender and sexual orientation differences
Behaving in a professional, fair and courteous manner at all times
Promptly reporting any breaches of Easy Tiger Policies, whether it is against you or another person, to Easy Tiger (see Reporting Contacts, above).
Maintaining confidentiality when complaints are made and/or under investigation
Abiding by all applicable laws and regulations
Easy Tiger’s employees and personnel must not:
Abuse or threaten to abuse (verbally, physically or in writing) another person
Physically or sexually assault another person
Discriminate or unfavourably treat someone because of their race, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability or other personal characteristics
Intimidate, threaten or harass another person
Sexually harass another person with unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behaviour
Bully, isolate or humiliate another person
Victimise, unjustly treat or threaten someone because they have raised a complaint or are a witness in an investigation
Behave improperly or unethically
Easy Tiger strongly recommends that all personnel complete the Respectful Workplaces e-learning course (link provided upon request). Easy Tiger may also require personnel to complete or provide evidence of completion (within the last 12 months) of the Respectful Workplaces e-learning course prior to commencing work on a production.
Easy Tiger is committed to handling personal information responsibly – be it details of cast or crew contracts, medical reports, or home addresses and phone numbers, to give just a few examples. To the extent you handle personal information in the course of your engagement with Easy Tiger, we expect you to take care to prevent unauthorised access to, or accidental loss of, such information and ensure that you notify Easy Tiger Business & Legal Affairs if these issues arise (see also ‘Software & Devices’ below).
You must comply with all of the following as they apply to personal information: (i) applicable laws and regulations (of locations from which personal information is collected and in which it is processed or used); (ii) the internal and customer-facing privacy policies of Easy Tiger (accessible online at https://www.easytiger.tv/policies); and (iii) any applicable contractual obligations. We encourage you to ask Easy Tiger Business & Legal Affairs about any of these.
Our business records, including computer-based information protected by applicable privacy regulations (for example, personal information of cast and crew), must be maintained in a secure way (see also ‘Software & Devices’ below).
Never acquire, use, or disclose individual information in ways that are inconsistent with Easy Tiger privacy policies or with applicable privacy and data protection laws, regulations and treaties.
Intellectual Property
You must follow applicable Easy Tiger policies and guidelines regarding the handling and security of intellectual property. Be alert to business practices that may result in the unauthorized distribution or misuse of intellectual property, and bring any of these issues to the attention of Easy Tiger Business & Legal Affairs.
Intellectual property (including copyrighted materials, trademarks, patents and trade secrets), no matter who it belongs to, must always be respected.
Fair Employment Practices
Easy Tiger’s policy is to provide equal employment and engagement opportunities to all, regardless of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marital status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief or sexual orientation.
You must extend equal treatment to all individuals without regard to any of the above or to any other characteristics protected by law.
Easy Tiger is committed to fair employment practices and to following applicable labour and employment laws wherever it operates. That includes observing all laws and regulations that pertain to freedom of association, privacy, immigration, wages and hours, and the prohibition of employment discrimination and forced, compulsory and child labour. This applies to all production personnel (whether employees, contractors or temporary employees) as well as to customers, suppliers, visitors to the company and any other individuals involved in company business.
Easy Tiger and its production personnel are subject to Federal and applicable State and Territory legislation prohibiting unlawful discrimination (direct or indirect), harassment, bullying, victimisation and vilification. This legislation varies in its content and the penalties imposed between the various jurisdictions. Below are some examples of the legislation that Easy Tiger and all of its production personnel must (depending on the location of the relevant production) comply with:
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth);
Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth);
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth);
Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth);
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth);
Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW);
Equal Opportunity Act 1995 (VIC);
Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (QLD);
Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA);
Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA);
Discrimination Act 1991 (ACT);
Anti-Discrimination Act (NT) 1992;
Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 (Tas);
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth);
Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 (VIC); and
Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth)
Drugs and Alcohol
Easy Tiger has a zero-tolerance drugs and alcohol policy.
It is a violation of these Policies to use, sell, offer to sell, manufacture, distribute, dispense, be under the influence of or possess illegal drugs while in the workplace.
Further, Easy Tiger personnel shall not consume or be impaired by alcoholic beverages in the workplace at any time during the course of their working hours, including break and lunch time.
The effects of drug and alcohol use can create a range of problems within the workplace – and therefore, may result in serious consequences for the worker(s).
Specifically, Easy Tiger personnel are not permitted to consume alcohol:
at any time while carrying out duties of work (including for those rostered on to work);
at any work location including filming locations i.e on set;
prior to driving; and
in transit to and from work locations at any time.
If a worker is reasonably suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while in the workplace, they will be directed to cease work immediately – and undergo a workplace investigation.
Approved Work Events
While Easy Tiger has a zero-tolerance alcohol policy in the workplace, an exception may be considered for recognised and approved Work Events (being Easy Tiger approved functions, including network screenings, wrap parties).
All Work Events must be approved by the Easy Tiger leadership team, being Rob Gibson and Ian Collie.
If the Work Event is approved, the following guidelines must be followed:
Only alcoholic beverages supplied by Easy Tiger are to be served. Easy Tiger personnel are prohibited from providing alcohol at any time;
Easy Tiger will limit the number of hours that alcohol is served;
Workers are not to serve coworkers; and
Easy Tiger personnel are required to adhere to reasonable alcohol consumption standards.
Occupational Health and Safety (OH & S)
You must comply with all relevant OH & S laws, regulations, reports and Easy Tiger policies (a copy of the OH & S policy applicable to your production is available from the production office).
We expect you to assess any OH & S impact and issues before starting a new activity or project.
As much as practicable, minimise the environmental impact of your work.
Below are some examples of the legislation that Easy Tiger and all of its production personnel must (depending on the location of the relevant production) comply with:
o Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (VIC);
o Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA);
o Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth);
o Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW);
o Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (QLD);
o Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (ACT);
o Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation Act 2011) (NT);
o Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA);
o Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (Tas);
Child Safety
All personnel must comply with all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice relevant to the engagement or employment of children, if applicable.
All personnel must agree and comply with Easy Tiger’s Child Safe Code of Conduct, if applicable.
If you become aware of any accident, injury or complaint involving children employed by Easy Tiger you must report it to the Producer or Production Manager immediately and in any event within 24 hours.
Complaints that must be recorded include allegations of physical abuse, grooming behaviour or sexual misconduct that have happened during employment, or any other breach of the Child Safe Code of Conduct.
Security & Crisis Management
All personnel are expected to follow Easy Tiger’s security procedures and business continuity plans.
All Easy Tiger personnel must comply with global immigration rules and applicable travel policies. You should contact Business & Legal Affairs for assistance in obtaining appropriate pre-clearances and authorisations for travel to high-risk destinations.
Personnel must take reasonable steps to protect Easy Tiger’s assets against damage, loss, theft or other misuse.
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
All personnel are expected to avoid any activities or relationships that could conflict, or appear to conflict, with Easy Tiger’s interests or your responsibilities while working with Easy Tiger.
Do not use Easy Tiger information, resources, influence, time, intellectual property or facilities for personal benefit or to promote an outside business or activity.
Anti-Corruption; Gifts or Entertainment
Never give, offer, or authorise, directly or indirectly, anything of value (such as money, gifts, business entertainment, meals, travel, discounts, jobs for relatives, charitable contributions, goods or services) to a supplier, customer or government official to obtain improper advantage, regardless of the amount. Never accept a gift of cash, regardless of the amount.
All personnel are expected to consult with Easy Tiger Business & Legal Affairs before offering any gift or business entertainment to a public official, government employee, supplier, customer or other third party. All gifts and business entertainment, regardless of the amount, and whether to be given or accepted by you, must: (i) be consistent with Easy Tiger’s business interests; (ii) not be excessive by local or industry standards; (iii) infrequent in occurrence; (iv) consistent with customary business practices; (v) given or accepted without an expectation of reciprocity; (vi) consistent with all laws and regulations; and (vii) pre-approved by Easy Tiger Business & Legal Affairs.
Make sure that records of any gifts, business entertainment, gratuities and like expenditures are fully and accurately maintained and reflect the true nature of the transaction.
Financial Responsibility
If personnel are responsible for books and records (e.g. for your department), ensure that such books and records: (i) are maintained in accordance with applicable laws; (ii) fairly and accurately reflect, in reasonable detail, the transactions or occurrences to which they relate; and (iii) fairly and accurately reflect, in reasonable detail, the relevant assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses.
Make sure that Easy Tiger’s books and records do not contain any false or misleading statements or entries.
Never intentionally misclassify any transaction as to accounts, departments or accounting periods.
Software & Devices
If using a personally owned device (e,g. laptop, PC, mobile phone or tablet) with enabled access to Easy Tiger data you must comply with the Easy Tiger Bring Your own Device (BYOD) Policy (a copy of which is available on request).
Suppliers & Agents
Be lawful, fair and efficient in all supplier relationships.
Know-your-suppliers: do not retain a supplier or other third party without due diligence and approvals required.
Conduct business only with suppliers that comply with national, state, local and other applicable legal requirements and Easy Tiger guidelines relating to labour, the environment, health and safety.
Evaluate all supplier offerings on the basis of quality, reliability, performance, price, service and technical requirements.
Follow government acquisition regulations when purchasing materials and services for fulfilling government contracts.
Follow Easy Tiger due diligence, approval and contractual requirements when selecting agents (e.g. a customs broker or local production services provider) to represent Easy Tiger to ensure that they are reputable and qualified, and that they agree to comply with applicable laws and Easy Tiger policy.
Interacting with Governments & Political Activities
Abide by applicable laws and regulations related to working with governments, with particular emphasis on those special requirements associated with governing contracts and transactions.
Be truthful and accurate when dealing with government officials and agencies. Avoid even the appearance of improper conduct in dealing with government representatives.
Complying with Competition Laws
You must not enter into any agreements or understandings, or exchange information, with a competitor. This includes exchanging information regarding prices, rates, deal terms, bids, costs, profit margins, market share, business strategy or practices or other confidential aspects of competition.
Even where there are lawful business reasons to communicate with a competitor (for example, where supplier or customer issues arise from a genuine buyer-seller relationship), you should take care to avoid the appearance of anti-competitive behaviour. You must keep communication with competitors to a minimum and make sure there is a legitimate business reason for all such communications. Consult with Easy Tiger Business & Legal Affairs whenever questions arise.
Anti Money Laundering
You must comply with all applicable laws that prohibit money laundering and require the reporting of suspicious transactions.
Identify and watch out for warning signs that may indicate money laundering or other illegal activities or violations of Easy Tiger policies (e.g., multiple money orders or travellers cheques, large amounts of cash or payments from an unknown third party).
International Trade Controls
You must not retain a customs broker, shipper or other third party to handle customs matters or other cross-border shipments without due diligence and approvals required by Easy Tiger. Ensure that you provide complete and accurate information when completing customs forms and other required documents.
You must not participate in transactions prohibited by law. Consult Easy Tiger Business & Legal Affairs if you are unsure.
Insider Trading & Stock Tipping
Never buy or sell, either directly or indirectly (i.e. through family members or other persons or entities) the securities of a company while you are in possession of material non-public information about that company, which you may from time to time acquire in the course of your engagement with Easy Tiger.
Never recommend or suggest that anyone else buy, sell or retain the stock or securities of any company while you have inside information about that company.
Unless otherwise advised, Easy Tiger is not currently maintaining a mandatory or regular COVID testing regime and encourages cast and crew to discuss any health concerns with their medical practitioner and where recommended undertake appropriate and available vaccinations (including influenza, COVID and any boosters).
It is acknowledged that Easy Tiger may monitor personnel for symptoms of illness, particularly for acute respiratory or flu like symptoms. If you experience symptoms during your engagement, you must let Easy Tiger know as soon as possible. In such cases, you may be directed to stay away from the production office/location/set and may be asked to submit to a COVID test. You agree to submit to COVID testing if required by the Producer.
If you are directed to not attend the workplace for any period you will not be entitled to be paid unless you take any accrued paid personal leave or annual leave.
Easy Tiger reserves the right to require the wearing of masks and/or other PPE in particular areas/situations at its discretion. If required, Easy Tiger personnel will wear a mask and/or other PPE.
Easy Tiger reserves the right to vary this policy as may be necessary to comply with changing legal requirements and/or respond to changing risks levels and new health information and advice. Easy Tiger will notify you in writing of any such variations.
This policy shall not supersede the obligation on all workers to comply with Easy Tiger’s WHS policy or any COVID-19 Safety/Risk Mitigation Plan, which are implemented on each production.
Related Policies
You are expected to familiarise yourself with and adhere to the terms of any other policies which Easy Tiger issues, and notifies you of, from time to time (a copy will be provided to you).